Hi! I’m Vrinda, a final year Computer Science undergraduate with a Data Science minor. I am currently developing LLM based recommendation solutions for the HRTech world at Gloroots as a Machine Learning Engineer. I also conduct NLP research at Boston University as a part of BITLAB

My research interests lie within Differential Privacy and Algorithmic Fairness, and I’m always up for a chat and/or collaborations on projects around the field. Currently I am (slowly but steadily) trying to replicate various adversarial attacks as a side project. Hopefully, I will start writing a blog someday soon, given the procastination overlords free me from my chains. Till that time, stay tuned!

When I am not pouring over my keyboard, I enjoy reading. Right now, I am hooked onto Katie Mack’s ‘The End of Everything’, a fantastic read if you’re interested in cosmic doomsdays. (I am only 70 pages through but 10/10, would recommend this book.)

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIN or reach out via mail if you’re interested in collaborating or just a friendly chat :)